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4 Sales Scripts Every Agent Needs in 2022

By Kathleen Black

Using a script will help create consistency and as a Team Leader that’s what you want. Just by introducing a script to your Team, which can then be used to measure conversion on a daily basis, your numbers will begin to increase.

So what exactly does a script look like and how is it used? A script answers the question: “Exactly what do you say to a prospect to… {Get them to hire us? Or get them past this objection?}”

A script must be written down and needs to be learned, practiced, used, measured, and improved to increase the conversion rate of prospects to appointments, appointments to contracts, and contracts to deals for all members of the Team.

Imagine taking the guesswork out of selling once and for all by using a system which makes your sales results less people-dependent and more system-dependent.

In this article, I will be outlining the 4 sales scripts every agent needs in 2022.

01. Seller Value Proposition

If the client has said yes to getting their home sold first, here is an effective sales script you can make to a selling client.

“Well, what I can do is give you a custom professional evaluation of exactly what your home may sell for in today’s market. This professional evaluation will give you the confidence that the price you pick for your home is going to net you the most amount of money.

Also, at this time we are going to review the things we do that average an additional 5% on the sale of your home. Would you be interested in this information as well?”

This key piece of information is what will hook your sellers, and showcase your value.

02. Buyer Value Proposition

Since we’ve covered the Seller Value Proposition, it’s only fair that we cover the Buyer Value Proposition.

This is the standard value proposition we will make to anyone looking to buy a home for any reason. It is an all encompassing offer that sounds as though there are no strings attached and is easy to get.

Until the client says yes to this value proposition we do not we move on to close the client for an appointment. Do not ‘ask’ the client if they want what you have, tell them what you will do for them.

“Well, what I can do for you is send you daily emails of all the homes that match what you’re looking for. What I’m going to send will have the address, price and all available photos, all the information just like I get as a Realtor. It will update you daily by sending out only what is NEW or had a price change the instant it becomes available.

Oh, and our clients also get access to powers-of sale, estate sales and other great deals. Would you be interested in this information as well?”

The extra information can be anything you choose, that represents a great value to the client on the phone, i.e. for investors it might be a list of the top 10 cap-rated opportunities on the market, or for resale buyers it might be the top 10 best buy list for a specific area.

03. FSBO Converting

“Hi, my name is __________________ with __________________ and I am NOT calling to try and list your home for sale… I may have a buyer for your home!”

This script is key for any agent. This will surprise the seller, as 20 other Realtors have already called them to try to get the listing.

This is where you start building a rapport with the seller, and give them your history of sell ing homes in their area, and how many signed and qualified buyers you work with at any given time.

After you give them this information, and answer any questions, book that 10 to 15 minute tour of their house, and discuss how you can help each other.

04. Follow-Up

Follow-up calls are shaped by 3 different scenarios;

1. Long Term: If the call back is over 4 months away call them back in ½ the time

2. Short Term: If the call back is less than 4 months away call them back within the last 4 weeks of their time frame.

3. If they have a specific reason then call them back a minimum of 2 weeks and a maximum of 6 weeks before their date.

When you’re calling the follow ups, it’s important, no matter what time frame you follow, to state when you last spoke, remind them of something specific and unique about their situation, state that they have requested you to call around this time and find out where their real estate plans are at this time.

“Hello is ______ there please? (Ask for the person who requested info by first name)

Hi ______ this is {salesperson} from {Company or TEAM at Company}.

We had spoken back in {Month you last spoke} and you had mentioned you were saving for a down payment. You had asked me to follow-up with you at this time to see how we could help. How are things going with your plans to purchase your first home?

(Let them answer- If no real info comes out say) Well, the last time we spoke you were looking at {making a move in Sept or buying an investment property, retiring and moving north…}. Is that still your Plan of Action?”

The only way you can make your sales scripts better in 2022 is if you practice them, until you know them like the back of your hand.

When it comes to enforcing the training, anyone who has talked to me about it knows this will be my answer: “Know it so well you can’t forget it,” so learning it all with intensive training and weeks dedicated to the art, ultimately, pays off more than any other implementation of the systems.

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