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5 different motivational styles (and how to make them work for your agents)

By Kathleen Black

As a team leader, it is crucial for you to identify motivational styles and how to implement incentives into your team’s environment. You have to recognize when your agents are unmotivated, and learn how to get them back on their feet.

It’s normal to get tired or frustrated. If your agents are typical entrepreneurs, instead of thinking ‘take a day off’ you’ll find them thinking ‘I’m not meant to do this business’.

But the reality of it is, you need to get them motivated, and they will realize what you are capable of doing.

This new-found motivation has dragged me to the future, even when I feel exhausted and burnt out.

In this article, I will outline 5 key motivational styles you need to identify in order for ultimate success for your team.

Achievement Motivation

Achievement motivation is one of the most common motivation styles found in businesses.

It is when you are driven by the desire to achieve the specific goals you have set for yourself.

For example, an agent on your team may have a high conversion rate, and not necessarily because they desire a higher salary.

You can create incentives for this motivation style by giving your team members processes which will allow them to be self-motivated, and complete tasks which consist of fulfilling work.

Be sure to recognize these agent’s achievements as they arise.

Incentive Motivation

Incentive motivation is unlike achievement motivation, it is to take action because of the reward you will receive in the end.

For example, an agent on your team with this motivation style will want a promotion, not because of the new responsibility that will fulfill them, but because of the higher salary that comes with it.

You can accommodate this motivational style by allowing your team members to seek goals and tasks that have incentives, as well as achievements.

Power Motivation

Power motivation is a motivational style that motivates people by taking charge of situations in their lives and in business.

When they are given a position with power, they will strive to produce results.

For example, power motivation can motivate an agent to become the leader of a team project and will be able to motivate their colleagues to succeed and create the ultimate results.

Affiliation & Social Motivation

We’re all looking to connect and relate to others.

By our human nature, we are very social creatures, and affiliation motivation is a motivation style that is fuelled by social factors like belonging and acceptance.

For example, your agents will always seek to connect with their team members, and create events such as happy hour Zooms. They will also always look to make new connections within the community and industry.

These connections will help your team gain new leads, prospects and allies in the community.

It is crucial for your agents to find a team that accepts them. This way, you can motivate your team members to new heights which will result in true happiness and satisfaction in the culture of your team.

Competence Motivation

Competence motivation is when your team members are motivated by the act of learning and improving a skill, as they move towards the completion of an assigned goal or task.

For example, if your agent wants a promotion because they will learn valuable skills and not because of the higher expected salary, they’re motivated by competence.

This is a valuable motivator, and should be used in your motivational strategy for your team.

This is because we're in an era where we realize that information is cheap. It’s free, and readily available, which is why new and relevant skills are more valuable.

By discovering the motivational styles of your agents, you will be able to implement systems and processes, as mentioned above, to create a team culture based on personalized motivation styles.

This will encourage your team members to perform at their best and to create more opportunities for themselves within the team.

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