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5 Ways To Create an Amazing Customer Experience

Great customer experience and great customer service create a trusted and true brand.

In order to create a trusted and beloved brand, you need to begin with transparency. If you want trust, you have to be honest. Transparency will show your customers your honesty. By showing your audience this honesty, they will put more trust in your business to create a trusted reputation for your brand.

Take the humanistic approach. We’re all looking to relate to people, especially when we’re looking to a brand that we all love and trust. Instead of thinking of your business as a faceless entity, think of the humans who work there and those who interact with the brand.

Relationship build. Your audience, and your clients are some of the most important people when it comes to building your brand and getting people to entrust your brand. If you build a personal relationship with your clients, they’re going to consider your brand a friend.

Loyal customers stay for the way a company creates and delivers a product, not the product itself.

Based on my experience and success, the five most important things a leader should know in order to create an amazing customer experience are the following:


A leadership mindset is what we all need right now, we all need to be strategic, proactive and responsive.

It is absolutely vital for leaders to be responsive right now to what’s going on around us. When people are experiencing fear, or stress, it’s important for us to be able to adjust into an optimal mindset as soon as possible.

If you lose your power to impact an outcome in your life, you lose all power you have in the situation.

Emotional Quotient

It's crucial now, more than ever, to establish meaningful connections with your clients, which is where “emotional quotient”, or emotional intelligence, comes in, but only if the Real Estate team can take all the unsimplified jargon out and understand it for what it is.

Using EQ to understand different personality styles is vital to creating and maintaining relationships, especially during this unprecedented period of time.⠀

It will help you identify observable behaviors associated with various personality styles and how to successfully connect with each one, by customizing your communications.

Client Process

It is crucial for you to know the client process that you and your team will be following.

If your customer experience process has changed as a result of business moving online, make sure you have internalized that new process so you are able to confidently explain next steps to your client and are able to create a chain of commitment that will lead you into your next meeting and start you and your team on the right foot.


For teams, clear direction on who, when, and how to connect and communicate within our business and community is key. The goal is a commitment to keep our promises and serve to the best of our ability together.

With so much happening, it’s important to keep your circle informed and proactive.

The open lines of communication are there, and it’s important to position what’s going on in the industry so people do recognize that there is a change that is occuring, but it’s not stopping you from giving them resources over email, phone or a zoom call.


It can be scary to think of putting years of contacts and experience into the cloud, but the database can serve as an extension of our brain.

When your brain isn’t trying to remember each and every detail about your clients you have the free space to focus on the people who are actually buying and selling.

The use of a system will outperform willpower.


Before any call, no matter how many times you’ve done them, operate test runs. Practice and record these run-throughs with your team members. Watch the practices with your team before your meeting, so they’re able to understand what the team’s expected standards are.

Know your technology, know your presentation platform, know what links, attachments or assets you may be sending or presenting to them. All of these are ways in which you can work on bringing your most prepared self to your consultation, just like you would for an in-person meeting.


Tracking ensures you can make changes faster, predict future production sooner, and keep your finger on the pulse of the business. You need to know how you’re performing from opportunity to client, client to deal, and past client to valued member of your community.

Members of your community are happy to help and recommend you and your team; they trust you, and trust you will take care of their family and friends. As a solo agent, you are risking your own time and money when you operate below the capability available for a salesperson in the industry.

Kathleen Black Coaching & Consulting Inc. 905-725-6224 / Toll Free 1-844-866-5222

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