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A Performance Environment Builds Trust

By Kathleen Black, KBCC

Systems, training and leverage create a performance environment for everyone, while also building trust.

Follow along with the next sections to learn how to incorporate a performance environment into your business.

Creating and Implementing Systems

Have systems and protocols that work so you’re not micromanaging, but powering up your people. Allow them to take responsibility and lean into what their gifts are. You need to support them with personal and business goals, so they can learn more about themselves in order to benefit your team.

The more someone grows as a person, the bigger their capacity for excellence in business. Sometimes we’re scared of powering up our people but the reality is that growing businesses are going to have opportunities as you move up for people to grow into.

Let your people manage themselves once they are trained. Give them the room to have the dream that brought them into a sales role in the first place, which is to run their own business.


Something that goes hand-in-hand directly with systems, is training. By implementing the right systems, training team members on said systems will create a smooth flow, and allow you to loosen the reins on your team.

When training, shadowing is generally the path taken when showing someone the ropes, but the mistake here is that every person does it differently every single time. This inconsistency doesn’t work to effectively prepare an agent for success when that agent is on their own.

The team leaders that I coach work on the idea of mastery – everyone follows the same steps, so everyone knows what it takes to be successful. At that point, the agents approach the situations with their own personalities and interpretations, but they have been empowered with a set system to be successful.

You need to find the right combination of training and systems, to move beyond learning and memorization to become part of who you are for each sales member of the team.


A crucial element is leverage. Do you know what you’re great at, and do you know the right profiles and the right expertise that you need in the other areas of your business?

Are you always aware of the next steps for your business, and how you’re going to get there?

Who’s the next hire you’ll have and are you adjusting your systems and processes to include them in it?

If you want, or have a big team, there may come a time when people management moves into a “Neutral,” “Includes Others,” “Unconscious Incompetence,” or “Stop” task on your GENIUS Model. We use this model to guide a leader's highest and best use within a company.


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