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Action Trumps Knowledge

By The Buzz Conference

Knowledge is power but it's the ACTIONS that will get you results. With a number of real estate / business conferences and conventions that have taken place over the last 2.5 days, whether virtual or live, I am sure you have left with some valuable insight, powerful tools, stronger networks and better ways to direct, manage and grow your business.

Whether on topic of marketing, technology, negotiations, productivity, lead generation, product creation, service excellence, motivation, leadership, logistics, whatever was on the agenda to learn and take in, the key now is to take back, implement and execute with a plan.

Business conferences are an investment reserved for those who are tenacious about their creating a thriving business and serious about dominating their markets. The networking is great if there is succession strategy. Select 10 professionals from the last few conferences you have attended and begin to build solid partnerships to fuel the different links to your business.

Also, implement 3 new systems learned, maintain and measure the results and watch the investment grow your business.

Procrastination is poison. It's time to take action.

The Buzz Conference

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